The curriculum of St. Patrick’s School is based on the “Catechetical Guidelines” of the Archdiocese of New York for Religion and on the Archdiocesan “Essential Learnings” for mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts. These packages of basic knowledge and skills help to prepare Catholic school students for life and include all requirements of the New York State Education Department. The "Essential Learnings" include the Common Core Curriculum for English/Language Arts and Mathematics.
Kindergartens through grade four are self-contained heterogeneous homerooms. Grades five through eight are departmentalized with homogeneous grouping in reading and mathematics.
Students are evaluated by the teachers daily, through oral and written class work and homework, and by means of a variety of teacher-made tests and projects. Additional evaluation is made through 2 Interim Tests and the NYS testing program.
As a Roman Catholic school, our mission is to help bring about the kingdom of God. We provide an atmosphere where Gospel values are infused into all the subject areas. Religion is taught as a way of life.
St. Patrick's parish priests assist in the religious education of the students on a regular basis. They also lead the school community in monthly masses, Advent and Lenten weekly services, Penitential services and Sacraments.
Sacramental preparation is as follows: Grade 2- Penance and Holy Eucharist, Grade 7- Confirmation preparation, Grade 8- Confirmation reception
Our grammar program emphasizes the terminology associated with language study, usage, and the eight parts of speech. Writing skills are developed through the analysis of literature and non-fiction subject matter. Students are introduced to the various styles of writing through responses to literature and non-fiction text.
In the eighth grade students in the accelerated class are afforded the opportunity to study Part I of the ninth grade Math A course. This can result in participation in the Integrated Algebra Regents and a Math honors class upon entering high school.
Social Studies
Inherent in the social development of students is the ability to practice and also to take home the Catholic values that are taught in our school.
The general music program is provided to all students once a week. In addition, the “Music E-Motion” program is an instrumental music program that is available on an optional basis during the general music class. Students who wish to specialize in this area pay an extra fee. A school play, an instrumental program, and a talent show give students opportunities to perform on stage.
The primary, intermediate, and junior high levels devote one period per week to the formal art program. In addition, art is correlated with all subjects through projects, fairs, and a variety of creativ assignments.
Physical Education
Student Activities
The Following activities are offered to our students:
At St. Patrick’s we aim to provide a variety of student activities to ensure the development of the whole child, while at the same time, stressing the spirit of kindness and cooperation