All school uniforms are purchased from Flynn & O'Hara School Uniforms, 800-441-4122.
Please refer to the calendar for dates when the spring uniform/winter uniform are worn.
Shoes must be purchased at Flynn O"Hara School Uniforms.ALL WHITE SNEAKERS ARE MANDATORY FOR GYM.
I ask all to cooperate with our STOP AND DROP at morning drop off time. The purpose of the STOP AND DROP is for you to pull up to the gate stop your car and drop your child off. Now that the nice weather is here I know some parents are tempted to stay at the gate to watch their child on line in the alcove. If you wish to do that I ask you to park your car, walk your child in the gate. In that way you can watch your child without holding up traffic around the school. Also, please do not have your child's book bag in the trunk. That often causes parents to get out of the car to get the bag. That slows up the line. Your child should be ready to get right out of the car when you pull up to the gate. The crossing guard and I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.